Will be sun from all

Belize Weather Averages

The probability that precipitation will be observed at this location varies throughout the year. Precipitation is most likely around September 15, occurring in 66% of days. Precipitation is least likely around April 10, occurring in 22% of days.

Probability of Precipitation at Some Point in the Day

The fraction of days in which various types of precipitation are observed. If more than one type of precipitation is reported in a given day, the more severe precipitation is counted. For example, if light rain is observed in the same day as a thunderstorm, that day counts towards the thunderstorm totals. The order of severity is from the top down in this graph, with the most severe at the bottom.

Over the entire year, the most common forms of precipitation are thunderstorms, moderate rain, and light rain.

Thunderstorms are the most severe precipitation observed during 39% of those days with precipitation. They are most likely around September 7, when it is observed during 43% of all days.

Moderate rain is the most severe precipitation observed during 32% of those days with precipitation. It is most likely around January 1, when it is observed during 23% of all days.

Light rain is the most severe precipitation observed during 25% of those days with precipitation. It is most likely around December 11, when it is observed during 18% of all days.

Relative frequency of various types of precipitation over the course of a typical year.

During the warm season, which lasts from April 23 to October 3, there is a 52% average chance that precipitation will be observed at some point during a given day. When precipitation does occur it is most often in the form of thunderstorms (59% of days with precipitation have at worst thunderstorms), moderate rain (21%), and light rain (18%).

During the cold season, which lasts from December 5 to February 10, there is a 44% average chance that precipitation will be observed at some point during a given day. When precipitation does occur it is most often in the form of moderate rain (47% of days with precipitation have at worst moderate rain), light rain (37%), heavy rain (9%), and thunderstorms (7%).

Source: weatherspark.com
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