International: 011-501-664

Real Estate Companies in Belize

Map of Belize

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Frequently Asked Questions

How are Belize properties titled?

There are many ways to take title, the usual (and in order of assurance) are:

  • The registered land title
  • Transfer certificate of title
  • First certificate of title
  • Deed of conveyance

What is a condominium/strata title?

This is a subset of the registered land title system. It applies only to self contained units usually of at least 2 units or more. The developer applies for this type before selling and the owner's association is created known as a "strata corporation". These also attract "common area" rights.

How do I ensure the property that I want to buy has clear title?

A root of title search is always recommended. This is to vet the lands register for charges, reservations, encumbrances and liens. It is incomplete if a court search is not also undertaken and if it is not reviewed in light of possible equitable interests such as a spouse not on title or inheritance anticipatory gifts.

Can North American Government investigate my investment activities in Belize?

Belize is an offshore nation that does not have a tax treaty with the USA or Canada. Belize has modern offshore banking legislation, including a tough ant-money laundering act which is designed to repel illicit monies and persons from using our offshore protectionism.

However, if there is evidence that a person or entity is involved in criminal activities and or money laundering, the Belizean Government will co-operate with these countries.

Can I get Title Insurance?

Yes, Stewart Title out of Texas and First American Title has issued policies. Belize is the only country that we know of, where an A+ American title company has felt comfortable enough with the security of a Central American nation to guarantee title.

What are typical closing costs?

5% of stamp tax on the assessed value above US$10, 000.00.

Legal fees typically 2% of the purchase price.

It is customary that the purchaser pays for all closing costs under Belize transactions. There are additonal fees in the case of Certificate of Title.

Do I have to retain an attorney to purchase property?

It is recommended that the buyer ensures that a reputable broker is transacting the sale.

Are most properties sold in US Dollars?

It is customary that the properties are listed and marketed in US$.

Introduction to Real Estate in Belize - Testimonials
Introduction to Real Estate in Belize - Testimonials
The Truth About Belize Real Estate Using an IBC to Hold Title
The Truth About Belize Real Estate Using an IBC to Hold Title
Belize Real Estate
Belize Real Estate
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